Decline of the Mauryan Empire

The Mauryan Empire being the first ever sub-continent empire have greatly attracted the Scholars attention on its aspects,from its rising to the decline of the Mauryan Empire. There is something almost dramatic in the way that the empire had decline after the dead of Ashoka , thus the decline was completed within half a century after the dead of Ashoka. The reasons given by historians and scholars were as conflicting as they were confusing . Some of the causes for the decline of Mauryan empire were; Partition of the Mauryan Empire: One of the major reason for the downfall of Mauryan Empire was the partition the had took place after the dead of Ashoka. The Empire was divided into two halves i.e. The Eastern and Western parts. Weakness of the King: After Ashoka had completly disrupted the Mauryan Administration the weeknesses of the kings were observed. The weekness of these kings can be imagined from the factual point that only Six(6) rulers could rule only 52 Ye...